It cannot have escaped anyone's
attention that the NHS is currently being dismantled by a government
we didn't elect. The greatest single invention Britain has ever come
up with. Providing universal healthcare for it's people (before you
right wing “death to anyone who isn't poor or me” apologists all
start, yes I know we fucking pay for it. It's not the point I'm
making here. You think when Cameron gets rid of the NHS he's going to
stop us paying a chunk of Tax and National Insurance? Get real,
fucktards). People say the first duty of government is to protect
it's citizens. I think that it's specifically to keep it's citizens
healthy, because a healthy citizen can achieve anything. For good or
Now I've noticed a trend over Twitter
in the last few weeks. It's that men are to be feared. Not only
feared, but actively avoided. Every five minutes a post has cropped
up saying that people are being raped. Whilst there are a lot of poor
women (and men, which seems to have been glossed over) who are being
raped, there is a much worse situation on the horizon. We are all
about to be raped.
Guess what. Our rapist isn't going to
be a dodgy bloke following us home with a packet of butter in his
pocket for lube. He isn't going to be wearing a balaclava as a mask
and walking around with a long coat to disguise the fact he is naked
underneath. He isn't even going to look at you. Our rapist is wearing
a suit, and a tie, and has a serious air of respectability,
So, with that in mind, who is raping
the us over the NHS the most?
Welcome to Drew Foley's Wheel of Rape
Spin the Wheel, there are six suspects
- The Voting System
OK, so this one isn't a person, but it
was devised by people and has been long used as an excuse. It still
amazes me how few very intelligent people actually understand our
voting system. It is not fit for purpose and hasn't been for years.
It also fucked us over in a way you wouldn't guess unless it was
explained to you.
The main thing to point out is that, no
matter how much the media want you to believe it, you are not voting
for the leader of a party. This fact seems to get lost, but it's
true. I supported the leader debates because they were an opportunity
to showcase the main policies of each party, but it's a fact that
these may differ at local level. Not that that is ever made clear to
You are told your vote counts. Well, it
does, you should vote. If you don't, then quite frankly, you have no
fucking right to complain about anything that every happens because
you didn't do anything about it. You didn't register your opinion.
You don't care enough, therefore, you are saying that you don't
matter. You are a pawn to be played with by the major political
parties who can use you as a beating stick or an oppressed mass,
whichever they see fit.
You should register your opinion.
However, herein lies the problem. Every constituency votes for it's
own MP. There are 650 MP's, meaning that there are 650 different
constituencies in Britain. This means that how much your vote matters
depends on where you live.
For example, where I live, you could
put a red rose on a turd and it would get in, for the simple reason,
it's the strongest part that isn't Tory. That is the case in a
massive number or inner city wards. I decided that I wasn't so
ecstatic about Labour this time round so I voted Liberal Democrat .
However, it didn't matter. Labour got in by a landslide where I live.
As they generally do in urban areas. On the other side of this, if
you are a Tory, I could forgive you for wondering why you aren't in
control of 70% of the country, when you look at the electoral map.
Most of the country is blue. That's because people who live in the
sticks generally vote Tory, for reasons best known to themselves.
The problem is that our electoral
system is designed for a two party election. In a two party election,
it works. We aren't a two party state. In 2010, there were 50
different parties. That is a lot of different parties in all the
different wards. In fact, if you have enough money, you can put
yourself up. Martin Bell did it against Neil Hamilton to great
success. However, you aren't properly represented. Our system is so
daft, that the Lib Dem's seats went down, but their share of the vote
went up? How the fuck does that work? Even stupider is this...
The Liberal Democrats polled 23.3% of
the popular vote, which is a quarter of the country, but only took
8.77% of the seats in parliament. To put this in context, the popular
vote is all the individual votes counted together and divided.
I'm not defending the Lib Dem's. Quite
frankly, if they survive the next election with more than 10 MP's
I'll be shocked. They conned the fuck out of us. They sold their soul
to the blue side. I'm just pointing out that a party that has nearly
a quarter of the votes of all the people in the country, has about a
twelfth of the seats in parliament.
That's fucking wrong. End of story.
Our electoral system is outdated,
outmoded, confusing and presented to us in an Americanised way which
is designed to make us believe that we are voting for a specific man,
when we're not. You thought you were voting for Cameron, Clegg and
Well, you weren't.
You were voting for someone in your
area who may well have been completely at odds with your views, but
you didn't realise, because you were conned.
For the record, I'm really sorry about
voting Lib Dem. I actually wrote to the electoral commission to ask
for my vote back, even though it didn't matter shit. Fuck, I still
felt dirty after what happened.
This voting system needs to change to
Proportional Representation. However, it won't. For one very simple
reason. To quote Sir Humphrey Appleby,
“No Government is going to change the
system that got it into power”
So we're all fucked.
- Andrew Lansley – Secretary of State for Health
This is an obvious choice. Lansley came
up with the bill (well, his name is on it), and he has been trying to
sell it to us, he has been Operation Human Shield. to all the
hospitals, to take all the shit from the entire country.
Even his Wikipedia photo is sinister,
like he's a Bond villain planning to annex Scotland. Mainly because
there are no Tory voters there.
We may as well gloss over the donations
he has received from private healthcare operators while he was in
opposition, and in government.
Actually, lets not.
He took donations from Care UK, who
just happen to provide private healthcare for older people to PCT's
and councils. No conflict there. I mean, why would he want to farm
out NHS services? How about General Healthcare Group? Adrian Fawcett,
otherwise known as the COE of GHG only shared a stage with Lansley at
an event that GHG sponsored (albeit, indirectly)
Just to confirm, this is a conglomerate
that sees the NHS as “one of the largest and most attractive
healthcare markets globally”
Let's just take this in. Why the flying
fuck is the NHS an attractive healthcare market? Why are people
looking at it as an investment opportunity? There is no way that the
NHS should be a market. It should be a not for profit organisation.
The NHS exists to provide healthcare to the citizens of Britain. It
shouldn't exist to provide competition
Andrew Lansley may be a sacrificial
lamb. However, he still has a vested interest in the abolition of the
NHS. How he sleeps at night is anyone's guess.
- David Cameron
Cameron is the Prime Minister. Leader
of the Conservative party and lead candidate for next political
assassination. Seriously, this man is pure evil. He has obviously
made a check-list that Thatcher couldn't finish, and he is going
through it. His policy record confirms that he simply doesn't care
what happens to the country as long as he and his friends are OK.
This is obvious in many policies, not limited to road privatisation,
bombing Libya (while we were apparently broke), relaunch of the right
to buy policy and his crazy idea of antagonising the Falklands.
The fact he lives very close to Rebecca
Brooks, who just happened to be the editor of one of the biggest
newspapers in the country. Yup, when she wasn't beating up Ross Kemp,
she was in charge of the News of the World, (2000 – 2003) and The
Sun (2003 – 2009), before finally becoming Chief Executive Officer
of News International (2009 – 2011).
Do you know where she is at the time of
writing? She is on bail, after being arrested in the phone hacking
scandal. Yes, that's right. Our Prime Minister, the man who is
representing us on the world stage, is close friends and neighbours
with a women who is currently on trial for hacking into innocent
people's phones to print news stories
This is the same man who is desperate
to to privatise everything we have. He is evil beyond belief. He
doesn't want to pay for anything because he doesn't realise how the
real world works. He's never had to live in it.
The main question here, is how does he
have any integrity left?
- Nick Clegg
That is no exaggeration. That time was,
in fact, from 6 May 2010 until the 12 May 2010.
There was a hung parliament. There was
no overall majority. The Tories had the most seats, and the biggest
percentage in parliament. They didn't have enough however, to make a
government. They needed another one of the big parties. It wasn't
going to be Labour, obviously, and a coalition of all the small
parties wouldn't work either, so it could only be the Liberal
Let's consider this. In the situation
the country was in, the Tories could only get a working majority by
going in with the Liberal Democrats. If the Liberal Democrats were to
go in with Labour, the seats would be 314 to 306, which is not enough
for a strong government, on account of the fact that only 9 people
need to rebel and everything is fucked.
Let's look at Clegg though, and the
Liberals in general. The liberals lean to the left. There is no doubt
about this. They always have and always will. Clegg leans to the
left. They don't go for everything Labour go for, but they do lean to
the left. So why did they jump into bed and suck the right wing cock?
Swallowing all that right wing policy. They are swallowing the cum,
thinking that they are in power because they're sat on the government
The reason is this. Nick Clegg didn't
think of the country He thought of himself, and his party. On the
face of it, he had no choice. The fact of the matter is that the
Liberal Democrats are finished whatever happens. In a way, he had no
choice. So he went with the Tories in the hope that they, as the
Liberal Democrats, could temper the policies of the Tory Party.
No chance. Not only have the Tories
sent their smear masters against all the Lib Dem's in power, they
have got nearly everything through. Basically, Clegg has rolled over.
He's being tickled on the belly. Meanwhile. Cameron, is fucking us
over. Vince Cable is the only man who has stood up to anyone.
The Tories played the Lib Dem's like
the political masters the Tories are. Next election, the Tories are
planning to all but wipe out the Lib Dem's by changing the
I'm aware that he couldn't have gone
with Labour. A majority of 8 isn't enough.
What Nick Clegg should have done is
forced another election. Under our ridiculous system, he would have
been entitled to do it. He didn't do it because he would have brought
the destruction of his party forward 5 years.
So Clegg has won a Pyrrhic victory. He
brought power to his party, at the expense of having it with the
Tories, and Cameron has fucked him over. Nick Clegg will be going to
bed every night feeling the bleeding from his arse. He knows how much
he was fucked and if he has any humility, he will shoot himself in
the face in front of Parliament.
I know he won't, but that's not the
- The British Voter
“This is worse than Afghanistan”
shouted one women in Didsbury. She shouted this after half past nine
whilst she was in a large queue still to vote She ended up not
The average British voter, can be a
parasite on society.
29,650,011 people voted in the 2010
election. This is out of a total of 45,844,691. That's 65% of the
potential electorate. Are you seriously telling me that only 65% of
the electorate would turn out if they knew that their public services
were going to be sold off to the lowest bidder? The simple fact is,
that they wouldn't. Some polls put support of a rethink of the NHS
bill at 85.2%.
I'm aware that the British public is
full of disenfranchised voters, thinking that their vote won't make a
difference. You know what, maybe it's for the first time ever, but
Now, this government has passed a law
which means that they can be in power for five years, Cameron has
basically put himself in charge for long enough to line is good
friends pockets.
Maybe if the British voter knew that
they were being led back to the 1980's. Maybe if they knew they were
being fucked every day of their life, they might vote. However, our
government wants to keep them stupid.
The sad thing is, that many people will
still think that their vote won't matter,
We're going to try. Jesus Christ we're
going to try. We need to push to get this cancer out.
- Tony Blair
I won't deny. Tony Blair kicked this
off. Apparently, he was a socialist at one point. A direct enemy of
Anne Widdecombe. Tony Blair was great for the country in 1997 (even
though he picked the wrong band). The fact that National Health
Service don't appear on any achievements of his explain his attitude
towards the NHS. He was a Labour Prime Minister, and he didn't give a
Who the fuck are we supposed to trust?
You know what the biggest problem with
the NHS is?
It's simple. The biggest problem is the
private sector.
People sought to bring Private Sector
ethics into the NHS. Now, the top of the NHS is filled with people
who earn salaries in massive excess of the published highest wage.
According to NHS employers, the highest wage you can receive is
£97,478. Derek Smith, of Dorset County Hospital, earned £387,220
for the 141 days work in 2010 to 2011. This equates to
£1,002,378.01 a year. Are you telling me that no other NHS trusts
are employing people at such daft salaries?
The argument is that you can only
attract the best people if you pay the best wages. Maybe that's true,
but in this case, he was an interim. To take a typical example, a
Nurse applying for a job at Dorset HealthCare University NHS
Foundation Trust (sic) can expect a starting wage of £25,528.
So, what we're saying here is that a
head of a hospital can earn the equivalent of 35.4 nurses?. While I
imagine this is a generally isolated case, I refuse to believe that
it is on it's own.
We need to rid the NHS of the private
sector. The simple fact is that the NHS should be a not for profit
company. We pay for it to provide healthcare for everybody. We are
happy to pay in for years, in the knowledge that one day, when we
need it, it will be there for us. Generally speaking, the United
Kingdom is an country that is happy to pay to do this.
The NHS has people at the top who want
to rape the NHS of all of it's money. Soon, we'll be paying these
motherfuckers to rape us. Better start saving now. For me, diabetes
is just around the corner.
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